Thursday, August 27, 2020

TWA Flight 800 Essays

TWA Flight 800 Essays TWA Flight 800 Essay TWA Flight 800 Essay Paper Topic: Flight TWA Flight 800 Name: Course: Date: TWA Flight 800 Reasons for Accident The Trans World Airlines (TWA) Flight 800 on July 17 1996 smashed close to the city of New York, explicitly in the Atlantic Ocean in nearness to East Moriches. The plane was booked to leave John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York to Charles DeGaulle International Airport in the capital city of France, Paris. All the 230 travelers on board containing even the pilots, engineers and the airline stewards kicked the bucket. As per the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the conceivable reason for the mishap was ascribed to the explosion of the fuel tank in the middle wing (CWT). The blast prompted the aggravation of the burnable blend of fuel and air in the CWT (NTSB, 1996). Basic and Mechanical Factors The basic and mechanical elements engaged with the mishap included the sign of a broken circuit that bothered the blast in the fuel tank. The broken circuit was arranged outside of the middle wing fuel tank. Because of a short out, there was a creation of extraordinary vitality, which was sufficiently high to deliver a start that set off the blast. Obviously, the short out caused a lopsided electric voltage that entered through the electrical cabling. Thus, the electrical wiring framework was related with the sign instrument for fuel amount. In this way, the extreme voltage set off a flood in the electrical wiring close to the fuel tank that started start of the inflammable fuel and air blend (NTSB, 1996). Contributing Factors The contributing elements related with the TWA Flight 800 mishap were credited to the affirmation and structure idea of the fuel tank. In particular, the plan and capabilities depended on the avoidance of blasts coming about because of fuel tanks. The idea enveloping the structure and accreditation focused on the avoidance of fuel tank explosions. The avoidance of the blasts was to be completed by barring all start supplies. Furthermore, another preventive measure in regards to the structure and accreditation of the plane was the rejection of planes with heat sources underneath the fuel tank and deficient intends to reduce the warmth transmitted into the tank or the level of combustibility of the fuel fume in the CWT (NTSB, 1996). Examination Board Findings The NTSB was one of the principle bodies associated with the examination of the TWA Flight 800 Crash. Furthermore, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) likewise performed examinations for the reason for the accident. This is on the grounds that the proof from a critical number of observers showed that a rocket hit the plane and caused the accident. Since NTSB didn't have the approval to complete a criminal examination, the FBI got included. The discoveries indicated that unstable parts predictable with the ones utilized in explosives and rockets were clear in the flotsam and jetsam. The discoveries by the FBI crashed into the NTSB discoveries since the FBI implied that a criminal assault was performed through the revelation of unstable follows obvious in warheads and bombs (Milton, 2000). Proposals The proposals spiraling from the examination of the NTSB were for the most part fixated on the structure and accreditation guidelines of the plane, support of airplane frameworks, fuel tank and start sources and inflammability of the fuel tank. The key proposal gave is the decrease of the temperature in the CWT. This should be possible by migrating the cooling units, which are the main warmth gracefully, route from the CWT. Protection, can likewise be included between the CWT and the conditioners. Effective protection would diminish the transmission of warmth to the CWT (United States, 2000). Results One of the significant results coming about because of the TWA Flight 800 mishap was the usage of the tough and novel security conventions at the nation’s air terminals because of the rocket hypothesis declared by the FBI. Cutting-edge, the conventions are as yet watched carefully in all air terminals, in the nation. Therefore, severe guidelines with respect to support and reviews have been actualized which forestall the upsurge of unsafe conductors. Additionally, the utilization of fuel with lower flashpoints has been underscored (United States, 2000). For example, JP-5 has been given as a substitute to Jet A fuel. JP-5 is less combustible than the Jet A fuel and consequently can slow down blasts in the fuel tank. References Milton, P. (2000). In a matter of seconds: The FBI examination of TWA flight 800. New York: Random House. National Transportation Safety Board (1996, July 17). Airplane Accident Report. Recovered from US. (2000). TWA flight 800: July 17, 1996: Accident examination. Washington, D.C.: U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ahp-Analyzing the Ahp Method with Exercise

1. Edited compositions (with objective) By doing this home task, we can perceive the significance of AHP techniques and ace the way that how AHP would be utilized in genuine activities. 2. Presentation The AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) is an organized strategy for sorting out and breaking down complex choices. In light of arithmetic and brain science, it was created by Thomas L. Saaty during the 1970s and has been broadly considered and refined since then.It has specific application in cooperative choice creation, and is utilized the world over in a wide assortment of choice circumstances, in fields, for example, government, business, industry, human services, and instruction. Instead of endorsing a â€Å"correct† choice, the AHP enables leaders to discover one that best suits their objective and their comprehension of the issue. It gives a thorough and normal system for organizing a choice issue, for speaking to and measuring its components, for relating those components t o by and large objectives, and for assessing elective solutions.Users of the AHP first break down their choice issue into a chain of importance of all the more effortlessly understood sub-issues, every one of which can be examined freely. The components of the chain of importance can identify with any part of the choice problemâ€tangible or impalpable, deliberately estimated or generally evaluated, well-or inadequately understoodâ€anything at all that applies to the current choice. When the chain of command is manufactured, the leaders methodicallly assess its different components by contrasting them with each another two in turn, concerning their effect on a component above them in the hierarchy.In making the examinations, the chiefs can utilize solid information about the components, however they regularly utilize their decisions about the components' relative significance and significance. It is the pith of the AHP that human decisions, and not simply the fundamental data, can be utilized in playing out the assessments. The AHP changes over these assessments to numerical qualities that can be prepared and thought about over the whole scope of the issue. A numerical weight or need is determined for every component of the chain of importance, permitting various and frequently incommensurable components to be contrasted with each other in a normal and reliable way.This ability recognizes the AHP from other dynamic strategies. In the last advance of the procedure, numerical needs are determined for every one of the choice other options. These numbers speak to the choices' relative capacity to accomplish the choice objective, so they permit a direct thought of the different strategies. A few firms flexibly PC programming to help with utilizing the procedure. 3. Information and Results ? Accepting the decision of MBA course/Selecting 4 elective models/Characteristics We are thinking about applying local MBA.To settle on different significant components of c hoice simpler, we need to apply our choice circumstances to AHP. We chose 4 potential choices which have top name an incentive in Korea. So we considered 4 choices which is Yonsei, Korea, Sung Kyun Kwan (SKK) and Sogang MBA. Every MBA course has a predetermined qualities and it is reflected in measures and subcriteria which is chosen by our group. By and large, The Master of Business Administration (MBA or M. B. A. ) is a graduate degree in business organization, which draws in individuals from a wide scope of scholastic disciplines.The MBA assignment began in the United States, rising up out of the late nineteenth century as the nation industrialized and organizations searched out logical ways to deal with the executives. The center courses in the MBA program are intended to acquaint understudies with the different regions of business, for example, bookkeeping, fund, showcasing, HR, tasks the board, and so forth. Understudies in MBA programs have the choice of taking general busine ss courses all through the program or can choose a territory of fixation and concentrate roughly one-fourth of their investigations in this subject. Starting now and into the foreseeable future, let’s study the every MBA course characteristics.University| Categories| Characteristics| Yonsei| Corporate MBA| ? Periods : 2 years (22 months) ? Credits to graduate : 45 credits? Areas : Finance/Marketing/Strategy ; Management? Concentrate on white collar class administrators who has a working experience| Korea| Korea MBA| ? Periods : 2 years (4semesters)? Credits to graduate : 45 credits? Areas : 8 specific majors? Concentrate on teaching laborers with idea of consumers| SKK| Asia MBA| ? Periods : 2 years (4semesters)? Credits to graduate : 45 credits? Concentrate on training being founded on globalization| Sogang| SIMBA| ? Periods : 2 years (4semesters)? Credits to graduate : 45 credits?Sections : Management/Finance? Partition the 3 tracks when candidates enter? Concentrate on get ting a profound information ; applying it to exercise| *Each graduated school has a great deal of MBA course. However, we pick the one course which is fundamental classes ? Setting own standards ; cubcriteria The initial step is to show the issue as a pecking order. In doing this, we can investigate the parts of the issue at levels from general to point by point. Also, to assess the every MBA course, we select 4 measures and subcriteria which is NO. | Criteria| Subcriteria| 1. | Competition ratio| No subcriteria| 2. | Supporting| # of remote professor| | # of double certificate with graduated school| 3. | Tuition| | Admission Fee| 4. | Curriculum| # of Lectures| | # of English Lectures| †Competition proportion (speak to the name estimation of school) In Korea, when candidates pick the college, the name worth and convention of school is principle factors. We believe that opposition proportion speak to the name estimation of school. So it is had the right to rank in first. †Supporting (# of remote educator/# of double certificate with graduated school) obviously, supporting alternative must be considered in significant factor. In any case, this factor is certainly not a primary alternative to picking the school.So we rank it in fourth. Furthermore, in the parts of subcriteria, we feel that # of double degree can be viewed as more vigorously than # of remote educator. Along these lines, we append greater weighted factor to # of double degree than # of remote educator. †(Tuition/Admission Fee) In monetary circumstance of candidates, educational cost of MBA course is extravagant. Thus, it very well may be a fundamental factor of picking the school. Be that as it may, it isn’t had the right to rank upper than rivalry proportion. In this way, we rank it in second. Moreover, in the parts of subcriteria, we feel that educational cost can be viewed as more vigorously than confirmation fee.Because affirmation expense must be paid only one time when the candidates enter the school. Along these lines, we append greater weighted factor to educational cost than affirmation charge. †Curriculum (# of Lectures/# of English Lectures) When candidates select the school, educational plan is not kidding factor that must be concerned. In any case, not surprisingly, every MBA course open the subject in comparative. It implies that it can’t be a principle factor. In this way, we rank it third. Besides, in the parts of subcriteria, we believe that # of talk can be viewed as more genuinely than # of English talk. Obviously, in globalization is acknowledged broadly, English is required whatever we do.But, decent variety of subjects can be viewed as more significant than # of English talks. In this way, we connect greater weighted factor to # of talk than # of English talk. In this way, we rank the every basis ; subcriteria like Ranking (Scoring)| Criteria| Subcriteria| 1st| Competition ratio| No subcriteria| 2nd| Tuition| 1st| Tuiti on| | 2nd| Admission Fee| 3rd| Curriculum| 1st| # of Lecture| | 2nd| # of English Lecture| 4th| Supporting| 1st| # of double degree| | 2nd| # of remote professor| ? Gathering the essential information of standards ; subcriteria 1. Rivalry ratioUniversity| Categories| # of Recruitment| # of Applicant| # of Successful Candidate| Competitiveness ratio| Yonsei| Corporate MBA| 128| 502| 128| 3. 9 : 1| Korea| Korea MBA| 187| 920| 187| 4. 9 : 1| SKK| Asia MBA| 18| 39| 23| 2. 2 : 1| Sogang| SIMBA| 60| 127| 42| 2. 1 : 1| *Seoul University didn’t enroll the understudy in 2012. Along these lines, it is barred. 2. Supporting (# of remote educator/# of double qualification with graduated school) University| Categories| # of outside professor| # of double degree| Yonsei| Corporate MBA| 9| 2| Korea| Korea MBA| 14| 3| SKK| Asia MBA| 39| 4| Sogang| SIMBA| 2| 5| 3.Tuition (Tuition/Admission Fee, unit : ) University| Categories| Tuition| Admission Fee| Yonsei| Corporate MBA| 4000| 120| Korea| K orea MBA| 4200| 120| SKK| Asia MBA| 5000| 100| Sogang| SIMBA| 3700| 110| 4. Educational program (# of Lecture/English Lecture) University| Categories| # of Lecture| # of English Lecture| Yonsei| Corporate MBA| 50| 6| Korea| Korea MBA| 35| 13| SKK| Asia MBA| 12| Sogang| SIMBA| 24| 20| ? Applying AHP to pick a last model So, we decide the weighted components like | Weighted factor of criteria| Weighted factor of subcriteria| Competition ratio| 0. 360| No subcriteria| Supporting| 0. 55| # of remote professor| 0. 303| | # of double degree| 0. 697| Tuition| 0. 265| Tuition| 0. 909| | Admission Fee| 0. 091| Curriculum| 0. 220| # of Lecture| 0. 602| | # of English Lecture| 0. 398| 4. Conversation By utilizing an AHP technique, we can get a target data which can settle on for us an astute choice in choosing the MBA school. Obviously, it gives the checked standard in settling on a decision. In any case, applicants’ inclination can ignore that information. Besides, applicants’ p articulars are unique. In this way, decision is relying upon own their choice. The AHP strategy is the main instrument that can give the goal information.

Friday, August 21, 2020

I am Legend Essay

When contemplating horror movies, easy capabilities come to thoughts for what you want to produce a terrific movie. Monsters are always a massive plus as a way to get an excellent scare factor. A good horror film will have drama that generally leads to the dying of a chief man or woman or other helping characters. I trust I Am Legend is a good contender for a low-key horror movie. Under the path of Francis Lawrence became a movie written by means of Mark Protosevich. In 2007 this film turned into a large hit inside the theaters, for its quite gritty and robust story line. Actor Will Smith played the a part of the Main person Robert Neville, who notion he determined the remedy for most cancers however in reality unfold a disorder out via the arena. The whole movie is performed in New York City, were David a scientist proclaims he has a treatment for most cancers whilst in fact it's miles a virulent disease that flip the humans into monsters. So the plot of the movie is David Surviving in New York through himself, attempting to test rats for the remedy to the virus. That capture to the movie is that every one the monsters are contagious and most effective come out at solar right down to find different human beings to unfold the virus. In this movie you had a number of glimpses and scenes that would display that this movie might be a horror film. The examples of horror films I used within the first paragraph are shown in many scenes of I Am Legend. The virus that unfold via the people made them monsters and in a very good horror film you want a horrifying, deadly, nasty monster to be the antagonist. The monsters in I Am Legend are the everyday creature for a horror movie. They aren't clean to examine which gives into a scarier man or woman. They are very suggest and ruthless and display no mercy. The remaining characteristic that could be a primary feature is that they will kill with out a questions. The drama a part of a horror film usually ends with dying and the scene usually has loads of anticipation on it to put you on the threshold of your seat. In I Am Legend when David is out doing his rounds and receives baited into a booby lure he gets knocked out and wakes up inside the trap a little too past due. The monsters are looking ahead to the solar to come back right down to attack and infect David. In a showing of high-quality attempt but tremendous downfall David’s canine Sam) is attacked and will become infected. Almost turning on its very own owner David is forced to kill his only sort of companionship and is left on my own at the moment. The director did a good job with this movie due to the fact he produced a good storyline constructed with a variety of anticipation. I accept as true with that he did try to installed that scary horror impact with the darkness of the movie and the horrifying creatures. Even although I Am Legend is characterized as a â€Å"dramatic thriller†, in maximum instances it could simply be considered a horror movie.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Should Medical Marijuana Be Legalized - 1129 Words

Marijuana goes by many names such as cannabis, weed, and molly just to name a few. It is often seen as a stress reliever, and an escape from reality type of drug. Some use it for recreational purposes, or medical purposes. Marijuana comes in many forms such as an oil, a pill, or hemp which was used for a lot of economical purposes. I’m going to be focusing on the medical benefits of this drug, in order to give you good reasons as to why it should be legalized. This drug has been found to help patients with cancer, epilepsy, depression, asthma, and fibromyalgia. It is more than a drug that one smokes to get high, and marijuana could be the reason that people get a chance to really live their lives. Firstly, medical marijuana has been found to significantly reduce the effects of chemotherapy. Often times patients who undergo this treatment face horrible bouts of nausea, and with the help of marijuana it will greatly diminish it. There are two types of drugs that contain marijuan a compounds in them that can be consumed by cancer patients. They’re known as Marinol, and Cesamet. Both treat nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing chemo. Some chemicals found in marijuana can also slow the growth of cancer cells in the body. According to The American Cancer Society, â€Å"scientists reported that THC and other cannabinoids such as CBD slow growth and/or cause death in certain types of cancer cells growing in laboratory dishes. Some animal studies also suggest certain cannabinoidsShow MoreRelatedShould Medical Marijuana Be Legalized?1915 Words   |  8 PagesAll States Should Have Legalized Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Hot of the press for the State of Hawaii†¦ on July 15, 2015 Governor Ige signed HB 321 which became Act 241 establishing a system for licensing Medical Marijuana dispensaries throughout the state. He is quoted as saying, â€Å"I support the establishment of dispensaries to ensure that qualified patients can legally and safely access medical marijuana† (1). Hawaii legalized the use of medical marijuana in 2000 through Act 228, fifteen yearsRead MoreShould Medical Marijuana Be Legalized?1515 Words   |  7 PagesShould Medical Marijuana Be Legalized In The United States? Marijuana is a controversy that has been argued over for years now and it has many people questioning its benefits and defaults. Whether or not marijuana is a drug this is a subject that is very misunderstood by most people who argue over it today. Marijuana has been outlawed in the United States for almost a hundred years now, Hemp first was encouraged to be sold during the 1600’s to 1890’s by the government of the United States in orderRead MoreShould Medical Marijuana Be Legalized?1551 Words   |  7 PagesLegalization of Medical Marijuana Marijuana is not like other helpful drugs that have amazing medical benefits. It is not made available to thousands of patients that could gain quality of live from it. Many Americans are forced to use second rate drugs to help them deal with conditions such as nausea, glaucoma, chronic pain, and multiple sclerosis. Why does the â€Å"world’s best health care system† use drugs that are not as effective as marijuana, but have more side effects? The United StatesRead MoreShould Medical Marijuana Be Legalized?2024 Words   |  9 PagesMarlyn Brillantes Mr. Tariq Jawhar ENG 111 April 24, 2016 Should Medical Marijuana be Legalized? Marijuana is a controversial drug because it can be both beneficial as well as harmful to the user. The marijuana plant can be utilized as an effective medicine to diagnose a number of issues. According to Business Insider, marijuana can treat glaucoma, improve lung health, control seizures of epileptic patients, decrease the symptoms of Dravet’s Syndrome, prevent cancer from spreading, and can contributeRead MoreWhy Medical Marijuana Should Be Legalized1245 Words   |  5 PagesWhy Medical Marijuana should be legalized all over all the United States. In today’s society, debates regarding legalizing Medical Marijuana occur frequently. The discussions arise in almost every state. Both sides bring solid arguments; however, opponents of the approval are facing the fact, which is very hard to ignore. Medical Marijuana has proven to cure people with life-threatening diseases much more effectively than official treatments; to have second-to-none side effects; and to be aRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized For Medical Purposes?1735 Words   |  7 Pagessurveys, about 25 million Americans have smoked marijuana in the past year. More than 14 million do it regularly. (NORML: Working to Reform Marijuana Laws, 2015) Marijuana has been the topic of much discussion these past decades. The main factor of discussion is whether or not to legalize it and the outcome it would have on the states. Some states have already legalized but for medicinal purposes only. Much research has come out in this decade that marijuana just isnâ€⠄¢t for your average drug junkie butRead MoreMedical Marijuana Should be Legalized Essay1973 Words   |  8 Pages Marijuana has been in the news lately since two states, Colorado and Washington, have voted to legalize recreational marijuana. Currently they are the only two states to legalize recreational marijuana. Twenty states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana. Iowa, at this time, has decided not to legalize medical marijuana in spite of many Iowa citizens advocating for the legalization of the drug. Iowa is taking a cautious approach to medical marijuana. Medical marijuanaRead MoreMarijuana Should Be Legalized for Medical Purposes2770 Words   |  11 Pageswere told that she might benefit from marijuana. After much difficulty they were finally able to get it for her in oil form. After taking the medical marijuana for just one day, the seizures basically stopped. Now she only experiences one to two seizures a month! She was on the brink of dying and now she is living a relatively healthy normal life. Medical marijuana literally saved this little girl’ s life. (Gupta). Marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes because it is saving lives andRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized Medical Marijuana?1465 Words   |  6 Pagesand some for the bad. In this paper we be discussing whether to continue the federal prosecution of medical marijuana patients and their providers under the accordance with the federal controlled substance Act. There are so many opinions that people have on this issues. Some people may disagree with congress for passing this law and they may feel that it’s giving people the right to smoke marijuana freely and then you have some people that agree with this law being pass. Because they may feel thatRead MoreShould Medical Marijuana Be Legalized?967 Words   |  4 PagesLegalization of Marijuana There are many topics nowadays that people in America agree on and there are also many topics American’s disagree on. One main topic that the states are trying to figure out whether to legalize or not is medical and recreational marijuana. Many look at cannabis or marijuana as a gateway drug and many look at it as another tobacco product. I personally don’t see marijuana as a bad thing for the states to legalize. People look down on marijuana because of it only being legal

Friday, May 15, 2020

Defensive Medicine And Its Impact On Health Care - 1657 Words

In modern practices, doctors are turning more and more towards defensive medicine. Defensive medicine is defined as the act of referring patients to other doctors or running more tests than medically necessary in order to avoid malpractice lawsuits. Defensive medicine leads to increases in patient health care costs, a decrease in patient wellbeing, an inefficient use of doctors and patients time, and may impact physicians’ well-being. This practice may also not be the best solution to protect both the physicians’ reputation and the patients’ health. Defensive Medicine is believed to attribute to the overall increase in America’s health care costs. For instance, in May 2011 two surveys conducted by Jackson Healthcare and Gallup polling indicated that defensive medicine costs the U.S. $650 billion to $850 billion annually. Another poll taken in December 2010 cited the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons estimating that by reducing defensive medicine, the yearly savings could jump from $54 billion to $650 billion. Medicare and Medicaid are cited at paying up to $221 billion annually for unnecessary tests and procedures such as CT scans after uncomplicated fainting episodes, antibiotics for routine sinusitis, and osteoporosis screenings for women younger than 65 years. One enormous example of how defensive medicine impacts many lives is the rate at which Cesarean section births are performed, especially in order to prevent shoulder dystocia, (the malpractice settlementsShow MoreRelatedDefensive Medicine1354 Words   |  6 PagesDefensive Medicine Is It Costing Our Heath Care? Teresa Botts Baptist College of Health Sciences 1. Abstract Our Nation is currently engaged in a debate about the future of health care in America. Health care reform has several platforms to be addressed in order for it to be successfully implemented. Tort reform, being one of those platforms, is proposed as one solution to the rapidly increasing health care cost in the United States. Careful reformRead MoreReform Malpractice Laws to Create True Healthcare Reform Introduction1610 Words   |  7 Pagesand seeing the doctor as the sole reason for any injured state. This division between doctor and patient has led to a practice called defensive medicine and it has also created a healthcare system riddled with inefficiency and in need of an overhaul. There is talk of healthcare reform and how it is important to control costs to the patient through lower health insurance premiums and limits on how much a hospital should charge for services. What is not heard is how it is important to control theRead MoreMedical Malpractice And Its Effects1714 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Medical malpractice is defined as negligence committed by a professional health care provider—a doctor, nurse, dentist, technician, hospital or hospital wor ker—whose performance of duties departs from a standard of practice of those with similar training and experience, resulting in harm to a patient or patient s†. Medical malpractice makes it hard for physicians to do their job without having the fears of getting sued. This can impact their judgment and distract them from getting their jobs done the rightRead More Access to Quality Health Care Essay1658 Words   |  7 Pagesadvanced in technology and the abundance of health care organization popping up all over the place, whether they are free standing clinics, hospitals, urgent cares or etc, many people still lack the ability to receive quality health care. This has become a concern throughout the world, but especially a more vocal concern for residents of the United States in the past few years. In this paper we will discuss the reasons preventing access to quality health care and how we can overcome the many obstaclesRead MoreSignificant Health Care Paper792 Words à ‚  |  4 PagesSignificant Health Care Event Krista Jex 531 August 19, 2013 Tracy Miller Significant Health Care Event Health care has been inclined by several significant events that have occurred throughout history. Change is the primary focus on what has shaped health care and continues to by pain of improvement, and to focus on the importance of our population and their needs. Though there are several influences politics, finance, culture, technology, health trends, and religions they all play a majorRead MoreCase Study806 Words   |  4 PagesIt was during my clinical rotations when I sat through an encounter that felt all too familiar. Across sat a teary mother, an angry father, and a defensive fifteen-year-old boy as they discussed the impact of the teenager’s marijuana use and multiple misdemeanors. As obvious as it would seem to receive professional care in any type of similar situation, that was not always the case for my own family. It took my parents ten years of dealing with my brother’s addiction and depression before they wereRead MoreThe Provision Of Cost Effective Care 1382 Words   |  6 PagesThe provision of cost effective care is an integral component in the decision-making process for the nurse practitioner. This process includes the ability to take into consideration the patient’s beliefs and desired outcomes, analyze evidence-based treatment options, and costs of various options, in the development of a treatment plan that meets the desired health outcome. It is a valuable quality of the nurse practitioner to establish a working relationship with the patient, provide current informationRead MoreEssay about U.S. Health Care system2711 Words   |  11 Pages Running head: U.S. Health 1 U.S. Healthcare System HCA 497 Health Care Studies Capstone Instructor: Jennine Kinsey September 9, 2013 U.S. Healthcare 2 U.S. Healthcare System Many people believe that the current of health care in the United States isRead MoreMedical Malpractice and Tort Systems Essay1109 Words   |  5 PagesHealth care organizations, particularly hospitals, currently face numerous legal issues, several of which will be examined in this paper. The first issue to be examined is medical malpractice and the tort system. The medical malpractice and tort system makes up one of the major legal issues encountered by hospitals and health systems. Showalter (2012) states that with the decline of charitable immunity in the 1970s, healthcare was one of the areas impacted by personal injury law and was held liableRead MoreThe Medical Malpractice Liability System1515 Words   |  7 Pagessimilar to premiums for most other insurance types (Rakoczy, 2013). Proponents of reform also point to a tendency of physicians to protect against legal fault-finding through over or under-utilization of diagnostics and procedures, known as defensive medicine. For example, although empirical evidence has long supported avoidance of cesarean deliveries at 39 weeks in the absence of certain medical indications and demonstrated no better outcomes than vaginal deliveries, a high rate of cesarean deliveries

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Way Athletic Shoes Are Produced And Sold - 1785 Words

This research paper will be demonstrating a more in depth look at the way athletic shoes are produced and sold. The information that will be provided contains all the background history and production process all the way up until the shoe is ready to be sold. The brand of shoe that I am specifically targeting is Nike. I wanted to do a big brand name like Nike because it is one of the most dominating companies in the sports industry. Their shoes are upon the highest sellers in the U.S. and many sports teams and athletes sponsor Nike to extend the name to many people. Nike is so popular throughout the world and it will be interesting to learn more about where the product is actually coming from and how it is being made. Everything on this†¦show more content†¦The cotton gathered for Nike shoes does not have any type of defoliants, pesticides, or fertilizers. The main reason for the organic cotton is the trendiness and marketing purposes. Synthetic leather is number five on th e list and it is a man-made fabric that comes from China and Taiwan. Nike uses synthetic leather because it is much cheaper than real leather and is basically identical to the look of real leather; the difference is that it is more breathable material and it is easy to take care of. However, Nike does use LWG certified leather from China and Vietnam to make some of their products. In the article, the author states, â€Å"Nike is one of the world’s largest users of white leather and teams up with tanners, suppliers, and other distributers to be most efficient. Nike does not believe in harvesting leather from animals in the amazon because they believe that it is contributing to the deforestation but before 2011 they were using leather taken from the Amazon† (Cole, 2015). Nike buys from nearly 1,500 different suppliers and material vendors and every single company that Nike buys from are independent businesses. Since many materials that Nike uses to make their shoes origi nates from Eastern Asia, many of the production lines and manufactures are in those areas that are far from the U.S. Following my last source, the article talksShow MoreRelatedMarketing Analysis : Athletic Footwear Purchases1312 Words   |  6 Pagesdemographic, psychographic (if applicable), technographic, etc. information about your customers. How many are there? How did you come up with this number? Demographics 12 month Distribution of athletic footwear purchases by age in the U.S. in 2014 Chart 1: Source (Statista, 2015) Athletic footwear purchases by gender in the U.S. from 2007 to 2014* Chart 2: Source (Statista, 2015). Consumer purchases of sports footwear in the U.S. from 2002 to 2015 (in billion U.S. dollars)* ChartRead MoreNike Background966 Words   |  4 PagesBrief History of Nike The Nike athletic machine began as a small set of distribution located in the trunk of Phil Knight s car. From these principles and not unfavorable, the brainchild of Knight became the athletic shoe company that would come to define many aspects of popular culture and myriad varieties of cool. Nike emanated from two sources: Bill Bowerman s struggle lighter, more durable racing shoes for his Oregon runners, and Knight s search for a way to earn a living without having toRead MoreNikes beginning history and success.1356 Words   |  6 PagesNike: The Beginnings The Nike Corporation originated from two sources, Bill Bowermans quest for lighter, more durable racing shoes for his Oregon runners, and Phil Knights search for a way to make a living without having to give up his love of athletics (Hincker 1). Their ideas and actions within Nike have radically changed the way sports, business, and popular cultures interact. This influence is seen best through the history of Nikes formation in its beginning years. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Essay on Abortion Consider Adoption Example For Students

Essay on Abortion: Consider Adoption How would you feel if someone took away your ability to live and have a future? You wouldnt have the opportunity to crawl, take your first step, have your first kiss, or experience those butterflies in your stomach at the sight of first love. Millions of special moments, a life, shredded to pieces. This is essentially what abortion does. Abortion is not the answer in the case of an unplanned pregnancy and needs to be stopped! First of all, abortion is a type of unnecessary murder that occurs in inhumane ways and cannot be tolerated. Moreover, there are alternatives to abortion and many families who are looking to adopt. Lastly, the side effects of abortion can cause life threatening health risks to the mother. Excuses will always be made, but the bottom line is that abortion is not acceptable and should be stopped. No upstanding and sane person would ever sanction mass murder; and yet, by supporting abortion that is just what is happening. Every day 3,238 babies are killed in brutal ways inside the womb through processes such as dilation and curettage, where a loop shaped knife is used to cut the baby into pieces, then its body parts are checked in case any parts remain in the mother (Abortion). Even worse, such statistics do not include the abortions that take place due to contraceptives and the â€Å"morning after pills†. However, the most horrific aspect of this aside form sickening medical procedures and toxic medicine is the culprits. Parents, the two most important people who are supposed to protect their children, have deserted them and left them vulnerable, sentenced to death. There will always be counter arguments but all are refutable. One may ask: what about rape victims, teenage pregnancy and threats to the mothers life? They are not ready to be mothers, its not healthy, the excuses go on. They should be able to abort, right? The answer is no! Here is why: â€Å"92% of abortions in America are purely elective done on healthy women to end the lives of healthy children†. Less than 1% of abortions are done by victims of rape and 7% of abortions occur because there is a threat to the mothers life (Schwarzwalder). Therefore, abortion has gone to what some people believed to be a necessary evil to a commodity: Abortion has become mass murder of convenience. When an unplanned pregnancy occurs people, especially teens, will take the easy way out. They dont want to give up their extravagant ways of life and take responsibility for their actions. Selfishness infests their brains and all they can think of is themselves: how their lives will be ruined, they cant possibly support the child, their education will be put on hold. However, what people dont realize is everything that is material can be salvaged: they can continue their education, their family will be there to support them, the government can provide them with money. On the other hand, once a life is taken, there is no turning back. There is no restart button. Its the end. Yet, it doesnt have to be this way. If for whatever reason a mother cannot keep her child, there are many couples who yearn for opportunity to be parents, and who will be able to give a loving and stable environment to a new life. It is understandable to be overwhelmed by an unplanned pregnancy, but abortion should not be considered when alternatives like adoption exist. First of all, many people are under the misconception that adoption severs all ties of parents with their babies; however, birth parents have different adoption plans to choose from, shaped around their needs. For example, there is open adoption, where birth parents have a chance to pick the parents for their baby and have access as well as recognition as the birth parent to. Nonetheless, if keeping in contact with their child is not what the adoptive parents want, there is the option of confidential adoption, in which there would be no contact with either the adoptive family or the child (Consider Adoption). Lastly, it doesnt make anyone less of a person to admit that they cannot deal with unplanned situations, in this case pregnancy, but is it how people react to the situation that makes the difference. .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b , .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b .postImageUrl , .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b , .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b:hover , .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b:visited , .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b:active { border:0!important; } .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b:active , .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucae5b071f414d3a9a25000da79a0790b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: King Louis EssayInstead of succumbing to the selfish voice in our heads that insist that a babys life will not be worth it without birth parents, people must be selfless and brave by giving the baby up. â€Å"In the USA, there are approximately two million infertile couples waiting to adopt, many times regardless of the child’s medical problems such as Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, HIV infection or terminally ill,† (Brown). That is two million couples out there that will cherish, raise and love a baby without thought to race, disease or money. Two million couples are out there, who will be with biological parents every step of the way, and from which biologica l parent can chose who will be most appropriate for their baby. By saying no to abortion, people are giving two million couples hope. In conclusion, people should embrace adoption as an alternative to abortion, for it saves innocent lives but also the lives of the mother. Abortion eradicates babies but it can also slowly eradicate the health of the mother both physically and mentally. To illustrate, surgical, medical and chemical abortion pose serious health risks to body. Post-abortion patients are at risk of complications in future pregnancies which may include excessive bleeding, premature delivery, cervical damage, and sterility. Moreover, â€Å"Recent studies have pointed out that there is what some might term a dramatic relationship between the rate of abortion and the rising incidence of breast cancer among women who have aborted,† (Abortion). The connection is as simple as altering the natural flow of the body. Birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy increase the chances of breast cancer by exposing the body to high amounts of estrogen other than that which the body already has. Estrogen stimulates mitosis and elevated amounts of estrogen can cause errors in mitosis resulting in cancer (Lanfranchi). On the other hand, aborti on is also a hazard to a womans emotional health. To illustrate, acute grief reaction and emotional disturbances are common with abortion patients. While people realize it or not, abortion is a traumatic experience. Studies have shown that mothers who abort are at risk for suicidal thoughts, drug or alcohol abuse, and post traumatic stress disorder. (Abortion Risks: A List of Major Psychological Complications Related to Abortion). 50% of patients have emotional disturbances such as depression, insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, and grief (Abortion). In conclusion, no matter from which angle it is looked upon, abortion is not the answer and should be stopped. Firstly, it is mass murder done out of convenience and selfishness to maintain the parents lifestyle. Moreover, it is not necessary to dispose of a life when there are millions of people wanting to adopt and willing to be parents. Last, abortion is a health hazard that threatens the emotional and physical health stability of women. Abortion is a social issue that needs to be brought to awareness and stopped but the world needs your help. The world needs heroes. Anyone can be a hero, a hero requires no mask or cape, but they do require a voice. A voice that can save lives. Works Cited Abortion. American Life League.  © American Life League, Inc.. Web. 5 Nov 2013.  . Abortion Risks: A List of Major Psychological Complications Related to Abortion.After Abortion. Elliot Institute, 23 Feb. 2011. Web. 5 Nov 2013. Abortion. American Life League.  © Schwarzwalder, Rob . The Best Pro-Life Arguments for Secular Audiences.Family Research. Family Research Concil, n.d. Web. 11 Nov 2013.  . Consider Adoption. Abortion Education. N.p.. Web. 6 Nov 2013.  . Brown, Kristi. Why Do More People Choose Abortion Over Adoption? N.p., 07 June 2012. Web. 6 Nov 2013.  . Lanfranchi, Angela. Biological Explanation.Abortion Breast Cancer. N.p.. Web. 5 Nov 2013.  .